Who We Are


To Push the boundaries of what we know to bring others to Christ

Our mission is to reach people, make disciples and build relationships.  At Bethel Church we place an emphasis on helping you and your family connect with God and others as well as discovering your full potential.   

Following Jesus.

What does it mean to follow Jesus? God loves you right where you are, but He loves you too much to leave you where you are. Following Jesus means embracing a life of surrender to Him. It’s more than a one-time prayer or consistent church attendance. It’s a gritty, heart-level posture that affects every area of life. And there’s always a next step.

As we read through Scripture, we can’t help but notice a path that God most often leads His people down. It starts with knowing and loving Him and leads to knowing and loving people.

Know God.

You were created to know God relationally. This is more than head knowledge. The incarnation and the cross show us the infinite lengths God is willing to go to have a close, intimate relationship with us. He doesn’t just love us. John 3:16 says “God so loved” us. Following Jesus means knowing and being known by a God who is wild about us.

We consider it a great privilege to help kids and students know God as well. Bethel Church is dedicated to help kids and students personally peruse a relationship with the real Jesus. 

Grow in Freedom.

Following Jesus also means becoming more like Him. We believe that salvation occurs the moment you accept Jesus as your savior, but your sanctification (spiritual maturity) is a journey that doesn’t happen in isolation.  Becoming more like Jesus means letting go of your past and growing in freedom surrounded by a loving community.

Small groups at Bethel Church are designed to help you grow in freedom. We have three semesters throughout each year to give easy on-ramps for you to connect to community.

Discover Purpose.

God didn’t just save you from something, He saved you for something!  You were created in the image of God with a unique purpose. Often the thing He saves you from is connected to the thing He wants to use you for. Purpose isn’t something we create or choose, it’s something we discover in the content of community. Discovering your kingdom purpose is a journey and we’re committed to help you every step of the way.

Bethel Church offers a number serving opportunities in our weekend service and Wednesday night services as well as local outreaches, as well as national and global mission trips for students and adults.

Go Make a Difference.

Finally, following Jesus means going out into our world, loving our neighbor, and making a difference. We find great joy in giving generously, praying boldly, serving consistently and helping other people find and take their next step. Freely we have received, freely we go make a difference!

What if more is possible? We believe the Church was always meant to be a church on the move. Not a building. Not a weekly meeting. A movement. We invite you to come be a part.


We’re convinced following Jesus iS an invitation to:

  •     Know God

  •        Grow in Freedom

  •       Discover Purpose

  •       Go Make a Difference